
Welcome to NLC

New Life Church (NLC) is a community of people whose primary desire is to follow Jesus. We gather on Sunday mornings to worship together in three locations - St Crispin Community Centre, The Life Centre in the Town Centre and Weston Favell Primary School.

We have a contemporary style of worship but with traditional biblical values which form a life giving foundation. If you would like further information about NLC, please fill in the form below and someone will be in touch. We can also be contacted on 01604 630457 or admin@nlcn.org.uk.

About Us

New Life Church is formed from two existing churches, Kingdom Life and Forefront Church. The former began back in the 1980s meeting in an old converted barn in Hunsbury and the latter was originally a Baptist congregation from the village of Harpole. God began to draw the two churches together over a number of years and there was quite a journey to reach this point but in 2020 the two churches joined to become one church on two sites and New Life Church was born.

As New Life Church we see the name of the church as significant to the calling that God has put on us, to live in the fullness of new life in Jesus and to share that new life with others where we go.

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Sunday Service

All three sites start at 10.30am with everyone together for a time of worship. Most weeks, the children and youth will go out to their activities around 11.00am. This will vary from site to site.

Following a time of worship we give space to preach and teach the word of God. We strongly believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God and is full of timeless truth on which we can build our lives. We often finish the meeting with a response time in which people can chose to come for prayer and encouragement.

Childrens Ministry


As well as meeting on Sunday mornings we believe it is essential to connect during the week in smaller groups. This is where we get to do life together, form friendships, dive deeper into the scriptures, explore faith, pray and encourage one another - our groups help glue us together.

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frequently asked questions

What should I expect?

A friendly face on the door and a warm welcome, our team will be happy to see you and to answer any questions you may have. Our services are quite informal so relax and enjoy the morning.

Where can I park?

There is currently no car park immediately outside The Life Centre. You are able to park in the surrounding streets and there are local Council run car parks nearby such as The Mayorhold and Doddridge Street. There is free parking at both the St Crispin and the Weston Favell sites.

What should I wear?

We take an informal approach so dress as you feel comfortable.

What about my children?

We have plenty of provision for children just ask the stewards when you arrive and they will be happy to tell you what's going on.