Base Camp is our Youth ministry for young people aged 11-18.
Basecamp Youth

Base Camp Town Centre
Base Camp Town Centre brings together the youth from both our sites and we spend our evening having fun and fellowship, playing games and learning about God. We meet on Friday evenings from 7-9pm at The Life Centre. We have a passion to see young people develop a strong and lasting relationship with God. Our aim is to create an environment in which young people feel safe, accepted and welcome.
Base Camp St Crispin
Base Camp St Crispin is aimed at children in school years 5 & 6 in the local community on the first Monday evening of each month. We meet at St Crispin Community Centre from 6:30-8pm where we play games, enjoy crafts and generally have lots of fun.

Along with our midweek activities we also run sessions on Sunday mornings (11-18) and fortnightly on a Tuesday evening (+16). If you would like to be involved with any of these activities, please contact the office who will put you in you in touch with our youth pastor.