Vision Statement
God has named us ‘New Life Church’. As such, He is calling us to live in the fullness of His grace and to experience New Life through His Son by establishing an active and vibrant relationship with Him; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. From the fullness of this New Life we are to be a loving, generous and courageous people who carry God’s New Life into every situation and place to which God sends us.
Prophetic Calling
These are significant prophetic words which form God’s mandate to us and identify what we are called to do as New Life Church, Northampton.
Sharing New Life – we have been given the name New Life Church and He has called us to share New Life with others, wherever he sends us.
Crossing the Threshold – we recognise the importance of the church threshold, physically and spiritually. We will both reach out and invite in - across the threshold.
NLC Hub – we are to help form a hub, a gathering of like-minded churches that want to help extend God’s kingdom in Northampton and beyond.
Joshua Generation – we are called to invest in children and young people to help them know God personally in all His glory, teaching them to follow Him wholeheartedly.
Blueprints – God has given us blueprints to follow which He will use to build and establish spirit filled communities, spreading His unconditional love for people, spreading New Life.

The Disciple’s Heart
The following demonstrate the outworking of our vision; they begin to describe New Life and what it means. They are the essence of being a follower of Christ and a disciple who makes disciples.
At our core we are mandated to love God and to love our neighbour, and the great commission, to go into the world and make disciples of all nations.
Loving God – all true faith begins here in relationship with and having a heart of devotion to God. It creates our desire to pray and worship God together. It also forms a lens through which we understand that God gives us supernatural gifts and creative abilities which reflect His glory.
Loving Our Neighbours – the natural overflow of loving God. It finds expression in hospitality, open hearts making room for others, seeking their good. It delights in righteousness, justice and mercy, lifting up those in need, making a difference, and partnering with God to establish His Kingdom on earth.
Loving The Nations – the call to mission starts on our own doorstep as we cross the threshold to go out into the communities where we live and work. These are our mission fields. The primary work of mission is to introduce people to our loving, New Life giving God, teaching them to follow Christ, to be disciples who make disciples.

Watch our Vision morning from April 2023